Friday, 17 October 2008

LOFI HIFI comes to the smoke!

Lofi Hifi is officially coming to London, with a one off at The Fly next Tuesday, the 21st, Ft. the excellent Targets live + support, and Ciara and myself on the 1s and 2s getting you to Shake It Down, plus Tom Lillywhite, lead singer with Targets, playing some excellent indie-rock records. If we can persuade him to!

No doubt it will bring the infamous party vibe with it, and a mix of cutting edge and classic electro, new wave, filter house, fidget, no wave, synth pop-rock and indie oddities.

Plus - you heard it here first - we look set to move into a permanent home as of next month at the Old Blue Last. Things aren't fully confirmed, but all going to plan we should be kicking off next month. More info will follow soon....

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